Saturday, December 6, 2014


The Ageing Population

The number of men and women in the U.S aged 60 or over still in work has been rising for more than a decade Economists give/has given a number of reasons for this trend. First, since 1985 the U.S economy has expanded so there is an increased demand for labour.At the same time, the cost of some services such as health care increased/have increased so workers need to earn more money in later life. In addition, changes in social security benefits and rules have/have had a considerable effect on labour patterns . First in 1977 and 1983 changes to the Social Security Act raised the full-benefit age from 65 to 67 and introduced other changes that make delaying retirement more attractive. Then in 1986 the Age Discrimination Act ended compulsory retirement for all workers,allowing them to work later in life. Changes to pension laws also encouraged workers to stay in employment longer, as this gives them more chance of a larger pension when they retire.

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