Friday, January 30, 2015


Reflection Task  1A      Evrim Önder
Reflection Task  1B      Yasin Kozak
Reflection Task  2A      Cennet Kalkan
Reflection Task  2B      Özlem Özgüven
Reflection Task  3         Eylül Karabulut

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Simple Past Tense

1)Answer the questions below according to the video

1) Why did the woman want to have a divorce?

A) She was fed up with him.
B) She had a relationship with someone else.
C) Her husband cheated on him.

2) What did the man do first after his wife left?

A) He followed her.
B) He went to a friend's house.
C) He went to bars.

3) What does the man say about his gun?

A) He says he left  it home.
B) He says he threw it in the river.
C) He admits killing his wife with the gun.

2) Write the letter that corresponds to the character who said the following lines in the segment. Dufrense(D), Lawyer(L)

(  )It was very bitter.
(  )You threw  your gun into the river.
(  )She wanted a divorce in Reno.
(  )They weren't home.
(  )That is very convenient
(  )I have been very clear on this point.

3) True or False

(  )Mr. Dufrense's wife cheated on him.
(  )Mr. Dufrense's wife was found dead.
(  )The lawyer belives that Mr. Dufrense tells the truth.
(  )The bodies of dead were found by neighbours.


1. Children who play with old fashioned toys like jigsaws to building blocks will become better equipped to deal with problems from maths to map-reading, according to new research. (Future Tense- To express thoughts)
2. Traditional play box treats, which also includes board games, improves cognitive skills, the areas of the brain associated with what psychologists call spatial awareness. (Present Tense- General Truth)
3. These are the everyday skills that involve solving logic - from navigating one's way around a busy street to how to load a dishwasher or even putting flat pack furniture together. (Present Tense- General Truth)
4. In academic terms, it helps them in the so-called stem subjects - science, technology, engineering and mathematics from an early age, said the university study. (Present Tense- Revealing study results)
5. The findings, reported in the specialist journal Psychological Science, will be welcomed by those wanting to see children spend less time playing games on a screen.  (Future Tense- To express thoughts)
6. Instead the experiments by psychologists from Rhodes College in Memphis, USA, suggest getting children as young as four to make things from Lego or do a jigsaw instead. (Present Tense- To express thoughts)
To read more:

Spatial Awareness: organised knowledge of objects in relation to oneself in given space.

     I think that the author preferred a complicated sentence structure because he used a lot of relative clauses(sometimes more than once), both defining and non defining and I believe that it made it hard to understand the meaning of the sentences at first sight. I.e: Traditional play box treats, which also includes board games, improves cognitive skills, the areas of the brain (that are) associated with what psychologists call spatial awareness

     He uses an informative tone as he is talking about a scientific study. I like the subject because it is about human brain and skills. I think author handled the subject in an easy way because he only talks about the outcomes of the research without adding his thoughts. I believe that the results of this study are true because nowadays kids mostly play computer games and they lack certain skills.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


     If I were jury member of the comitee choosing the person of the year, I would choose the man (Murat Yalçın) who said ''Should I take off my boots? Stretcher is going to get dirty'' after the Soma catastrophy. That man whose name I still do not know, made me cry. When I heard these words coming out of his mouth I wished that our hearts were at least as clean as his boots and his face. Conscience, honor, humanity... These were all hidden in that question. He is not the one that is dirty, so called ''people'' who made him work there under terrible circumstanaces are dirty, their hearts aree dirty, their conscience is dirty. This worker should be the person of the year for being so naive and reminding us all how screwed we are.This poor man was exposed to the idea of being unimportant so much that he thinks he is less important than a scretcher because he lives in a world where human life is cheaper than a piece of stone. This question came in the middle of a living dying battle from a man who was looked down on, prevented from developing his self-confidence. This question can make conscientious  people cry,  unconscionable may remain unresponsive. One can evaluate how much humanity is left in him/her by the reaction he/she gives to this question.  While one side thinks about the scretch instead of his own life the other one is so worried about his life that he hides behind the guards. I chose this man for he reminded me how unfair everything is.


Schindler's List is about Jewish people suffering at the hands of Nazi and a good-hearted German business man who tries really hard to save their lives. Oscar Schindler determines the Jewish people who are going to work for his company he basically determines who is going to live. At first he only tries to make profit out of the situations of Jew but as he gets to see their suffering more he discovers the goodness in himself. The director, Steven Spielberg shows us that how one person can change so many people's lives, how he can make a difference by resisting. I chose this movie because first of all this s the only movie that made me cry and brought back my faith in humanity. This movie reflects the era of the story greatly since it is based on real life and it has an objective perspective. Not every German did not want the Jewish genocide to happen, of course people did not want their friends, neighbours to be killed or tortured. This movie can make us understand that kindness is more important than being the hero. A hero is happy for the people he/she saved, on the other hand a kind person is sad for the ones he/she could not save. It is enough to discover the loving, caring person within us to not kill, to not torture, to not violate rights of others. This movie can be the best movie of all times due to its reality that takes everything to another level.


     Riff Cohen is one of the great singers who are not appreciated enough.

 Society, especially teenagers are way too busy listening to mainstream 

singers like Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj etc. Poor quality music they make 

somehow get every one's attention because of their scandalous lives and 

good advertisement from their producers. On the other hand musicians 

like Riff Cohen are not so famous although they produce great music. This

 lovely musician is from Israel and she sings in Hebrew, French and Arabic

 as well. She has a great vocal talent and the way she sings can actually

 make me feel although I do not understand all of the lyrics. She composes

 her mother's poems and she writes songs since she was eight too. Her 

biggest inspiration is her Tunisian grandmother. In her video clips she is

 usually dancing in the street with everyone else and she even shoots 

some of these video clips . Her dancing figures are not determined, she 

dances however she wishes and I find this so sincere. She is apparently

 very humble. She has great songs such as Dans Mon Quartier, J'aime, A

 Paris, Rotza Prahim and Meshoch Be Gufi.She deserves to get more 

attention for she is very talented, she has a unique style and she seems 

amiable. I hope someday she will get the attention she deserves and 
people will  care more about the music and feelings instead of looking or private life. She is going to give a concert in Ankara on May 7, and I am looking forward to it.Listen to her songs and you will love them.



     Today I wanted to talk about Nazım Hikmet whose works was not appreciated during his life time because I believe that his life and works should be given importance so as to not repeat the mistakes of past and have a better understanding of the respect for everyone. He was born on 
November 20, 1901 in  Thessaloniki. He was raised in a family that was in close relation with art. His grandfather Nâzım Pasha, was interested in poetry. His mother Celile Hanım, could speak French, play the piano and draw as well as an artist. Nazım, became interested in poetry thanks to the encouragement of his grandfather. After he left Turkey he went to Russia to attend a communist college. He came back to Turkey in 1924. Because of his poems published in papers authorities sentenced him to jail for fifteen years so he went back to Soviet Unions.  He returned to Turkey  with the 1928 dismissal but him being sentenced to jail went on and on. After spending years in jail, he got out in 1950 but he still was not free to publish his work. When authorities decided that he should become a soldier he left for Russia. In 1952 he was expatriated. When he was forced to leave his homeland he learnt that he would be flying over it so he asked the pilot to descend so that he could see it more closely. When the pilot meets this request he starts crying and says I wished the plane crashed. He died of heart attack in 1963 in Russia and he rests in there.  It is so unfair that a great poet was treated like this and had to die and be buried in a place other than his homeland. He and his works of art were the victim of a mentality that did not respect differences. Nazım Hikmet, Yılhmaz Güney, Ahmet Kaya, Aram Tigran… They were all undervalued during their lifetime because of what they thought. … I am among people, I love people he said in spite of all unfairness he faced.


A poet from his own voice

Monday, January 19, 2015


     I am Nazlıcan, a 19 year old student currently attending Foreign Language Teaching Department at METU. I stay at a dormitory and I actually enjoy campus life. I was born and raised in Batman, a city in Southeast. I had been looking forward to leave this place before I spent four months in Ankara. I did not leave Ankara during this period and it was hard for me. I missed my family, friends and even the city itself. Now that I am here nothing seems to have changed. I know that I will get  bored in less than 2 weeks. It has always been like this. My life is a constant battle between trying to get out of this place and trying to come back to it. Thank God, my emotional emptiness which resulted from the fact that I did not go home for holidays was filled with the friendship of my roommates. I stay in the same room with Şeyma who is a senior in university this year, Berivan who is in the preparatory school and Duygu who attends the same department as me. We enjoy the time we spend together and have so much fun. We sometimes sing together or go shopping. People in other rooms are surprised that we get along this well.
     This term I had a lot of time to question my life, my expectations from it. I have not found the answers yet. I used to believe that my ignorance was a bliss but I feel so bad for my ignorant acts in the past. I am trying to be a better person by understanding the situations well.
     I like singing a lot although my voice is not that good. It makes me feel better whenever I am demoralized. I used to go to a lot of parties but I got bored. Now I enjoy going to more silent places like small cafes to have a cup of coffee with my friends accompanied with slow music. It is much better than bars with loud music and it helps me to relax and have peace of mind.  I like travelling although I did not get a lot of chances to do so. Seeing new places give people chance to have a broader understanding of the world we live in. I love learning new cultures. I like ethnic music and oriental movies, cooking, animals etc.


     Dave is an undervalued man who works a lot. While on aboard, Dr. Buddy Rydell sits next to him and he touches Dave's nerves by insisting on watching the movie with him. Dave asks the stewardess for headphones but she does not get it. When Dave holds her arms she gets it wrong and Dave ends up in court because of this misunderstanding. At the end of the court Dave is ordered to go through an anger therapy. He takes anger control sessions from Dr. Rydell who has unorthodox techniques and he brings Dave to the edge of goıing mad by doing things that drive Dave crazy . Dave is indeed docile so as I watched the movie I thought that Dave did not deserve this punishment at all. If I were one of the judges I would probably have a different perspective on the case. Dave gets a little mad since he knows well that he is not guilty and this makes him look erroneous so If I were one of the judges I would believe that Dave is faulty and the decision is fine as Dave is not punished in a severe way and he actually gets something really useful out of this therapy. At the end he learns to control his feelings. This order becomes something that helps Dave to fix things in his life, take action instead of being pacif towards every problem he faces and understand the value of the people around him and even understand the value of himself.


b)After I had left the room, the telephone rang.
c)After I had lost my money, the conductor wouldn't give me a ticket.
d)While I was falling asleep, there was a loud knock at the front door.
g)After I had opened the box, it turned out to be empty.
h)Though she was feeling tired, Helen went out clubbing with her friends.
i)After he had asked my name, I was taken to meet the prime minister.
j)When I arrived at the station, the train had already left.

a)Although feeling dizzy, Sarah managed to play on until the end of the match.
b)Being a powerful swimmer, George reached the island in less than an hour.
c)Without waiting for a reply, the mysterious stranger vanished into the night.
d)It being a Friday, everybody in the office was in a good mood.
e)While walking across the field, Rita noticed something glittering by the path.
f)Abandoned by its owner, the dog sat by the side of the road and howled.
g)Though shocked by what he had seen, Martin tried to keep calm.
h)There being no chance of escape, two men gave themselves to the police.
i)If using a fan-assisted oven, reduce cooking time by half an hour.
j)By signing your name here, you agreed to the conditions listed below.


The Galapagos Islands
Located near the equator, the Galapagos islands are a group of volcanic islands off the coast of equator. Discovered by Spanish colonists in 1535, and first drown on maps in about 1570, the islands were rarely visited as a heaven for pirates. Having developed their own specializations and escaped the attentions of predators of common elsewhere, the Galapagos species had became unique and unafraid of people. Passing ships hunted seals and giant tortoises. Once caught, the tortoises were kept alive on ships for a long periods and later eaten. After coming near extinction, few of these creatures remain today. Visited by naturalist Charles Darwin in 1835, the islands still have a close association with Darwinian theory, being the home to many species isolated from the mainland. Finding out later that birds which differed from island to island were in fact the same species. Darwin used evidence from the Galapagos in the development of his theory of natural selection. Now known as a part of national park, the islands are popular with 'eco-tourists. Efforts are continuing to save their wildlife.


a)It being a public holiday, there was a lot of traffic on the roads.
b)On opening the letter, I realized it was from professor Alton.
c)Though destroyed by fire during the war,  th palace was later reconstructured
d)Tears streaming from her eyes, Carol walked from the room.
e)In trying to remove the memory card, I broke the camera.
f)Using Gloss shampoo, my hair has become soft and shining.
g)Being knocked down by a car, Jan was taken to the hospital.
h)Having been shown to his room, George lay down on to the bed and slept.


Stem-Cell Research
e)Having been given
h)Having transplanted